Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When Your Team Turns on You

I have seen this happen and it is not pretty.  An overly-confident leader thinks that everything is under control, only to be contronted with the brutal facts that her own team has turned on her.  Recovery from this messy situation is difficult (at best).

If you find yourself going down this path, you might begin the process of restoring your team dynamics by following Amy Gallo's suggested do's and don'ts:

·  Be open to hearing your team's complaints and feedback
·  Institute a "no gossip" policy so that people deal directly with one another
·  Take responsibility for your role in creating the situation"

·  Pretend nothing is happening because, most likely, everyone is aware of it
·  Be afraid to show vulnerability
·  Allow negative feelings to fester — give people a chance to air their grievances"

Read Amy's full Harvard Business Review blog at When Your Team Turns on You

Perry Cone practices insurance, compliance and government law, and consults for in-house counsel, from the Tallahassee office of GrayRobinson. He writes from his perspective as a former general counsel, legal executive, and leader in the Florida insurance industry. Visit Perry's blog at www.leadinginhouse.com/

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