- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, by John Maxwell
- The First 90 Days, by Michael D. Watkins.
- Working with Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman
- The Manager's Coaching Handbook, by David Cottrell & Mark C. Layton
- Sun Tzu: The Art of War for Managers - 50 Strategic Rules, by Gerald A. Michaelson
- Little Bets, by Peter Sims
- Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni.
- Good to Great, by Jim Collins
- The No Asshole Rule, by Bob Sutton
- Silos, Politics and Turf Wars, by Patrick Lencioni
- Ron Ashkenas (at HBR.org blog)
- Bob Sutton's "Work Matters". Bob is most famous for his authorship of the No Asshole Rule, but focuses today on Good Boss, Bad Boss.
- The Table Group - Thoughts from the Field
- ContentedCows
- Daniel Goleman (at HBR.org blog)
- Jon Gordon: Developing Positive Leaders, Organizations & Teams
- Harvard Business Review blog
- John Maxwell on Leadership
- Great Leadership, by Dan McCarthy
- Tom Peters
- Leadership & Learning, by Kevin Eikenberry
- Leadership is a verb
- Linked2Leadership
- LeadershipNow, LeadingBlog
- Smartblog on Leadership
- Lead by Example, by John Baldoni
- Zenger Folkman
Blogs linking to LeadingInHouse.com
- Law Department Management (Welcome to LeadingInHouse.com, another blog on law departments and specifically about coaching and leadership)
- InhouseBlog.com (various posts from LeadingInHouse.com)
- ABA Journal Blawgs (lists LeadingInHouse.com)
- State Bar of Michigan's blog (Penn State Had No General Counsel in 2002)
- LDO Buzz (Coaching tips for the “leadership sauce” of in-house counsel)
Other links of interest