Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winning Over the Jury Before the Trial Begins

JD Schramm, at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, uses his recent experience as a juror to summarize some effective methods to communicate to an audience that is unlikely to favor what we have to say.  His lessons can be used by in-house counsel when communicating with business clients who may be opposed to a recommendation.  Schramm's suggestions include: "attract your audience without overselling," "use light, but appropriate, humor" to "ease tension in the room and to engender people's support," and "honor people's time."  Read the full blog at:  Winning Over the Jury Before the Trial Begins.

Perry Cone practices insurance, compliance and government law, and consults for in-house counsel, from the Tallahassee office of GrayRobinson. He writes from his perspective as a former general counsel, legal executive, and leader in the Florida insurance industry. Visit Perry's blog at

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