1. Be trustworthy.
2. Exercise influence beyond your team/group.
3. Develop your teams (a spirit of "we").
4. Recognize individuals and support their development.
How does your boss fare (and if you're a boss, how do you fare) under this list? The list, some explanation, and the catchy phrase "direct reports' bill of rights" are in a post by Linda Hill & Kent Lineback, The Right to Management Competence.
The competency I found most interesting is #2, on exercising influence beyond your group. The authors explain:
"Every group works in a web of interdependence within a broader organization and beyond. Success — through, for example, securing needed resources, attention, and cooperation — depends on the boss's ability to exercise influence in that broader context through a network of ongoing, mutually supportive relationships." The Right to Management Competence.The authors discuss these management competencies, as well as the "3 Imperatives" of being a good boss, in their new book Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader. Their 3 imperatives, by the way, are:
- manage yourself
- manage your network
- manage your team.
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