Friday, July 30, 2010

Bouncing Back from a Negative 360-Degree Review

I had my first 360 evaluation within 60 days of joining Travelers of Florida as general counsel.  I thought this was a good thing, until I learned that it was unusual to have a 360 this early in one's young career with a new employer.  It was not a pretty sight. 

I owe my mentor, who helped me survive that experience.  And it was re-assuring to see that others have had similar experiences, and recovered, as discussed in the blog post Bouncing Back from a Negative 360-Degree Review.

Amy Gallo describes the 360 process -- and the challenges of dealing with its feedback, as follows:  "360-degree reviews include input from a comprehensive set of people: peers, managers, direct reports, . . . One of the most valuable aspects of this tool is that the opinions are voiced anonymously, which encourages a higher level of honesty than you might normally get. However, the truth is not always pretty, and receiving a negative 360-degree review can be upsetting, especially when the opinions are echoed at many levels. But with the right attitude, you can still create a positive experience. How you handle a bad 360-degree review is far more important than the content of the review itself."

Amy's "Principles to Remember" include: Do "Remember that feedback — positive or negative — is an opportunity to see your leadership in new light" and don't "Attempt to change every negative behavior — be discerning about which ones to focus on."

This must-read blog post is available at Bouncing Back from a Negative 360-Degree Review.

Perry Cone practices insurance, compliance and government law, and consults for in-house counsel, from the Tallahassee office of GrayRobinson. He writes from his perspective as a former general counsel, legal executive, and leader in the Florida insurance industry. Visit Perry's blog at

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